Court Local News Known criminal will spend 12 months in prison Barbados Today08/01/20200425 views Two unbelievable stories presented by known thief Terry Corey Alexander Waldron in his defence, were not enough to prevent him from being imprisoned. The 39-year-old unemployed man of Lot 75 Parish Land, Christ Church will spend the next 12 months behind bars after he admitted to two offences today. Waldron pleaded guilty to loitering on the premises of Claudia Scott with reason to suspect he was about to commit an arrestable offence on December 25 and December 27, 2019. The court heard from prosecutor Sergeant Vernon Waithe that the complainant lives at the residence with her 19-year-old son. There is a studio apartment attached to the residence. On Christmas Day, the German visitor who was staying at the apartment was in the backyard when she saw the accused jump over the rear fence. She shouted at him and he ran off in the direction of the house where he was confronted by the complainant and her son. The son questioned him about why he was on the premises, but he ran off. Two days later, the visitor was asleep in bed around 2 a.m. when she heard moaning noises. She got up and realized that her curtains had been pulled and saw the accused sitting in a chair with his hand on his penis masturbating. She screamed and the accused ran off in the direction of Dover. He was eventually apprehended by police. However, when asked by Magistrate Douglas Frederick if he had anything to say, Waldron gave two excuses. He first claimed that on Christmas Day he was socializing with some friends when a fight broke out. Waldron said during that fight he was “getting beat up” and was lashed on his hand. He said in an attempt to get away he jumped over the fence and hid, but someone saw him and “holler out”, so he ran away. Waldron claimed he only returned on the premises two days later because he had lost his chain. He said he went to the area with a flashlight to look for the jewelry. But Magistrate Frederick did not believe those claims. A check of Waldron’s conviction card revealed he had been found guilty of loitering, stealing and burglary. The magistrate sentenced him to 12 months at HMP Dodds for the first offence and three months for the latter. The sentences will run concurrently.