Magistrate rejects ‘I did not do it but I guilty’ pleas

Dale Andrew White

Reputed thief Dale Andrew White pleaded with a magistrate to accept his guilty pleas even though he did not commit two of the offences for which he was charged.

The 45-year-old, of Bonnets, Brittons Hill, St Michael is charged that being a reputed thief he loitered on Brittons New Road, with intent to commit theft on April 2. He is also accused of stealing a $100 pair of glasses belonging Maria Waithe between March 17 and 18 and damaging a car window belonging to Kraig Husbands on March 31.

When Magistrate Douglas Frederick read the loitering charge and asked for his plea, White responded: “I didn’t do that but I plead guilty. I don’t have a choice.”

On the criminal damage charge White said: “I didn’t do that neither but I pleading guilty.”

The offence of stealing the glasses he said: “Guilty, I do that one.”

However, he added: “But I plead guilty to all three because I don’t have anybody to sign my bail.”

Magistrate Frederick made it clear that he could not accept the first two pleas if it was his defence that he did not commit them. “I have entered not guilty pleas for the other ones because I can’t hold you guilty when you are saying you are not guilty,” Frederick said.

But White was adamant that he wanted to accept responsibility despite the magistrate’s explanation.

“I am not accepting them [the pleas]. I can’t sleep well at night if I do that,” the magistrate stated.

White responded: “I plead guilty on all three sir. I don’t want to waste the court’s time, even if I go jail just give me some time. I don’t want to go up and come back down in front you. I getting rid of all the charges, I do all of it.”

But again the magistrate explained: “The court does not operate like that . . . I am not giving any man time that is not guilty. I am treating you fairly. We do not operate so.”

The prosecutor then objected to bail on the grounds that society had to be protected from White, the accused’s antecedents and the likelihood that he would reoffend.

“You unfairing me sir man,” White stated after he was told that he had not been sentenced but remanded to return to the District ‘A’ Magistrates’ Court on April 30.

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