Local News News BPSA: ‘Arthur was an outstanding Caribbean statesman’ Barbados Today27/07/20201211 views Edward Clarke The Barbados Private Sector Association issued the following statement following the death of former Prime Minister, Owen Arthur. Below is the full text of the statement: The Barbados Private Sector Association (BPSA) acknowledges the sad news of the passing of Owen Seymour Arthur, former Prime Minister of Barbados. Speaking on behalf of the BPSA, Chairman Mr. Edward Clarke said “Mr. Arthur was an outstanding Caribbean statesman and a strong political leader and a gifted economist. He unswervingly served our nation and the region right up to the time of his admission to the hospital. Under his leadership Barbados continued to stand out as a prosperous small island. His leadership, mentorship and support greatly contributed to Barbados, as a developing nation, having the confidence to stand firm in its sovereignty and to compete with larger more developed countries. His national contribution will be best remembered when during the very difficult 90’s, under his leadership, Barbadians remained resolute and surmounted for the benefit of our nation. He was a strong advocate of the benefits of tripartite consultation, now well known as the Social Partnership, which continues to play a critical role during these very challenging times in our nation. He will be remembered in the generations to come as his contribution will be part of the annals of our history”. On behalf of the membership of BPSA, we express sincere appreciation for the work and contribution of Mr. Arthur to the political, economic and social development of our nation. The BPSA expresses deepest condolences to his wife, daughters, family members, close associates and indeed the country, for the loss of Owen Seymour Arthur, former Prime Minister. May he rest in peace.