#BTColumn – Why are our cries unanswered?

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by this author are their own and do not represent the official position of the Barbados Today.


As a past student of the Lawrence T. Gay Memorial School and owing to its proximity to our home, the school was the obvious and natural choice to send my children to receive their primary education.

Having a son in Class 4 and the other in Infants, I am frustrated and distressed all around. I am ashamed to have stood idly by, well sat, while the Ministry of Education, Technological and Vocational Training has dragged its feet on such an important matter – that of health.

This noxious odour has plagued the school for several years and we are yet to find a real and definitive source of it!

For the past five years, there has been an ongoing environmental issue, and calling it an ‘issue’ is indeed an understatement.

On speaking to a retired teacher, she informed me that this environmental concern has gone back even further, but the older teachers tried to grin and bear it as they did not want to upset the proverbial apple cart.

To date, staff and students are experiencing nose and throat irritation, headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and breathing difficulties and a host of other ailments. Is it normal that so many people on the compound are becoming ill?

This is not coincidental, this is environmental and detrimental! None of us know the long-term implications to their health, and some are already very ill.

Our children and teachers are being exposed to something that we do not fully understand its source and effects (long-term and short-term); this is scary!

Well, let’s expose the apparent lack of concern by the officials within the Ministry of Education. These officials seem superficial in their response to our plight and the speed and depth of the facilitation of investigations.

I recall we were told this odour might be emanating from a nearby private property and if so, the Ministry of Health would have to inspect as a private firm cannot. Has this been done?

We want conclusive results that lead to a healthy resolution of this problem. We want ACTION! For months (pre-covid), our children were displaced, moved to churches so they could maintain face-to-face sessions. Though thankful for the space allocated to us, these locations were not ideal.

Where is the collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Wellness and the Ministry of Labour?

When the country reopened after the lockdown was anything much done or was this school forgotten? Why was cleaning seemingly started a few days before school reopened and continued up until the night before school reopened?

Our children deserve to learn and play in a safe environment. Our teachers and other staff members deserve to impart knowledge and work in a safe environment. One of my children is bringing home drawings each and every day owing to his teacher being absent.

The health, safety and welfare of students and staff have been grossly compromised, resulting in illness, lack of teaching time and of learning experiences and activities.

THIS is not good enough, it isn’t good at all! Had this been another work place, would the employees be expected to return daily to become ill?

The staff and pupils of the Lawrence T. Gay Memorial School deserve a healthy environment. We, the parents, deserve to know our children are safe and not sick!

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