Company ready to move on

General Manager of Preconco Ltd. Joshua Reid has described as unfortunate, Wednesday’s sequence of events which saw several workers walking off the job after suspension letters were issued which were later retracted.

He told Barbados TODAY he was eager to see an end to the ongoing wage discussions, which are scheduled to continue next week with Ministry of Labour officials.

Making it clear that he did not see any winner or loser in the current situation, Reid explained that the decision to withdraw the suspension letters issued to shop stewards was to allow a meeting to take place to discuss substantive matters.

“What occurred on Wednesday was an unfortunate set of events where no one wins and we wish to put that behind us and move on for the benefit of all parties. We appreciate the relationship we have with our employees and will continue to work with them to do what is needed to achieve all objectives,” he told Barbados TODAY.

On Wednesday, labour union officials accused the company of trying to put workers back in the dark ages, after the eight shop stewards were issued with letters of suspension with pay after they attended a meeting convened by the Minister of Labour Colin Jordan.

The company, which employs some 200 workers, later retracted those letters with immediate effect.

The meeting with Minister Jordan was to discuss issues relating to wages. Those discussions are to continue on Monday,
March 15.

Workers are eager for the company to reinstate wages at 100 per cent, but company officials are yet to say how soon that was likely to happen given the dramatic slowdown in the construction sector and the wider economy as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Reid explained “There was a temporary wage change to 95 per cent in March last year and then the company took this to 97.5 per cent in September 2020, and discussions are to be had on when the company can resume 100 per cent in the present economic conditions.

“Preconco has kept full employment of all of its employees through the pandemic from March 2020 to now although not having the projects to sustain its requirements. We look forward to resuming these discussions so as to come to an agreement that works for everyone,” he said. (MM)

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