Local News News East Caribbean Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists assisting SVG Anesta Henry17/04/20210319 views The East Caribbean Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists has made a large donation of supplies to St Vincent to assist residents of that territory who are reeling in the aftermath of the La Soufriere volcanic eruption. On Thursday, the East Caribbean Conference announced that in light of the volcanic activity in St Vincent, the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) and the Personal Ministries Department have advanced a three-phase strategic plan to assist the people of that Caribbean territory under the theme, Love and Generosity for SVG. According to the Conference, Phase one includes disaster financial relief contributions and the purchase of bottled water, non perishable food, adult and children pampers, household cleaning supplies, personal care items and N95 face masks. These items were shipped to St Vincent on Thursday, aboard the Admiral Bay II. “A shipment of water has already been sent from the churches in Dominica, with the preparation of care packages for 300 individuals and housing to accommodate those in need, are currently being prepared,” a release from the conference said. Phase two of the project gives members and friends of the SDA churches in Barbados and Dominica the opportunity to forward donations and necessities to the Conference’s packaging centres for shipment to St Vincent. Meanwhile, the church in Barbados is coordinating accommodation, as is necessary, for 200 persons. In addition, Phase three will provide access to services of trained professionals in medicine and mental health to the inhabitants of St Vincent. People are being encouraged to send their financial contributions to the following accounts: Barbados-Scotiabank 4005550006 and Dominica-National Bank ADRA Account 115004069. The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) International, founded in 1956, is a humanitarian agency operated by the Seventh-Day Adventist Church for the purpose of providing individual and community development and disaster relief. Director of Personal Ministries Pastor Dayle Haynes, thanked those who have made contributions to the drive thus far and encouraged those who have not as yet, to make their donations, even if it is in kind. “Those of you who can’t send money, if you want to bring bottle waters, food stuff, non perishable items, we will collect them Monday and Tuesday at the Conference centre in Brittons Cross Road, between 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Let’s all get on board everyone,” Pastor Haynes said. (AH)