#SpeakingOut – Who will take the blame?

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by this author are their own and do not represent the official position of the Barbados Today Inc.

by Delbert Archer – seafarer

I read last week where the ships that were allowed to drop anchor in Barbados’ waters had destroyed large areas of our coral reef.

I also read where a marine expert said that it would take about 100 years for the damage to be rectified.

While the Government was patting itself on the back and receiving praise from the ship captains for their show of hospitality, was the possible damage to our reef even considered?

If it wasn’t, why not? Did Government know of the possible dangers? If they didn’t, why not?

Who takes the blame for this, Prime Minister Mia Mottley or Minister of Tourism Lisa Cummins, or the technocrats who either did not advise Government or didn’t consider it at all? I would hope that Barbadians demand answers now on this.

2121 is when the coral reef is predicted to be back and we should not have to wait until then for either Miss Mottley or Ms Cummins to answer these questions when they might not even remember where they themselves are, far less what coral reef I am talking about.

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