#BTSpeakingOut – Barbadian ownership is key

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by this author are their own and do not represent the official position of the Barbados Today Inc.

by Michael Ray

Members of the public with keen eyes and ears are acutely aware of the pleading to the Barbados Light & Power by the Minister of Education.

Barbadians, especially those who are out of work owing to the severity of the COVID pandemic, would be heartened to know that some ease can be granted.

However, there is another group of Barbadians on whose behalf the Minister, as a member of the Cabinet, can also speak and act.

There is a growing list of Barbadians who want to invest in the production of renewable energy and assist the government in reducing and ultimately eliminating the importation of fossil fuels, saving foreign currency, assist with the greening of Barbados and help reduce global warming.

By passing relevant and appropriate legislation,there would be no need for a moratorium or any kind of ease from the Barbados Light & Power company.

Indeed relevant and appropriate legislation would greatly facilitate and assist Barbadians to be their own producers and meaningful investors in the
renewable energy sector, sure to be the most highly sustainable industry on the island of Barbados.

The sustainability of the renewable energy business is the singular and paramount reason why Barbadians should be the major owners and managers of the renewable industry, rather than foreigners who already control the largest sectors within the local economy.

Barbadians will be further deprived of an opportunity to be empowered and create wealthif foreign interests are allowed to own and manage large portions of the renewableenergy industry.

There are already a significant number of foreign interests owning and managing more than enough assets across the Barbadian economic space.

This cannot be allowed to continue indefinitely.Barbadians must be
allowed to own and manage more than they currently do.

Legislation and regulation arethe best means by which Barbadians can have access to opportunities for investments, wealth creation with better and easier ways to be involved in the growth and development of the Barbadian economy.

The Minister of Education and her Cabinet colleagues are being called upon to pass effective legislation that will empower Barbadians rather than allow foreign interests to exploit local assets and resources to our own detriment.

Too many foreign interests are taking over Barbadian assets and businesses. Such developments can lead to Barbadians being second-class citizens in their
own homeland.

Such developments have the potential to create social decay and unrest. These fields and hills beyond recall are slipping out of our very hands.

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