Opinion Uncategorized #BTColumn – Like a ship without a rudder Barbados Today Traffic22/07/20210131 views Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by this author are their own and do not represent the official position of the Barbados TODAY Inc. by Courie Cox The Government of Barbados has been guiding this country through the notorious COVID-19 pandemic like a ship on rough waters without a rudder. The Democratic Labour Party (DLP) is concerned that if the Government does not formulate a comprehensive plan to navigate the ravishing effects of COVID-19 on employment in Barbados, this proverbial ship will continue to sink further. Last year the Government was adamant in its decision to welcome travellers for the winter tourist season and we all remember the disastrous effects it had resulting in a national shutdown. In December 2020 it was the UK variant scaring persons. Six months later it appears as though we have learnt nothing from the cause and effects of that winter disaster, and we find ourselves on the cusp of another looming decision on whether to return to a national shut down or not. Currently the world is battling the Delta variant which has been proving itself as the latest infamous version of the COVID-19 virus. The myopic view of this government to focus on short-term tourism despite its numerous proclamations about the Welcome Stamp Initiative’s success leaves the DLP immensely disappointed especially knowing the dangers of welcoming more traditional short-term travellers to our shores. The lack of legitimate alternatives to keep this economy afloat and its resulting inability to forge a sustainable way forward in the face of COVID continues to wreak havoc on the unemployed who are biting their nails hoping to find a job. To date the Government has not given specifics about the unemployment rate in this country. Over the weekend the Barbados Private Sector Association (BPSA) quoted unemployment figures of 17.2 per cent for the first financial quarter which were different from those given by Governor of the Central Bank in his 2021 first quarter report. What is of more importance to me is the direction the employment figures are trending. Has there been a decline or an increase in the rate of employment in this country? For a Government that emerged as victorious as a Benton on Gold Cup Day while riding a wave of transparency, I find it an insult that such pertinent information continues to be withheld from citizens. Barbados has been on nighttime curfew for approximately 90 per cent of 2021 leaving workers who ply their trade by night in a sea of uncertainty. Some are unemployed; others are laid off and many are unable to qualify for National Insurance Scheme’s (NIS) assistance. It is clear now more than ever that an alternative and sustained form of economic generation is required. The wait and see approach to Tourism’s recovery speaks to inept leadership. Made more unpalatable when bolstered by numerous ministers in the Ministry of Finance and Economics and a bevy of highly paid consultants. We cannot continue to do things in the old way if this is in fact the “new normal”. The lives and the ability of persons to earn a living for their families will continually be at stake. Courie Cox is a candidate representing the Democratic Labour Party in the next General Elections in the constituency of St Michael Central. He is the shadow spokesperson on Labour and Social Partnership Relations.