Local News Lyndeon offers the ‘Solution’ to businesses Barbados Today Traffic23/10/20210205 views Lyndeon George-Bellamy is the owner of Lynde Solutions which is a company that offers concierge services for companies and corporate executives. The company, which was founded in 2020 offers a number of services which include corporate gift buying, passport renewal services, relocation services for company executives, event management, planning corporate retreats, and team building exercises. These services were designed to ease the stress for businesses and corporate executives, as these tasks would normally be done by them or employees in the company which can be time consuming. It also takes away from what they really should be doing. “We have worked very hard to establish relationships with a number of key partners, so we can provide what you need, ask the questions you need answers to, and devise a plan on how to get things done efficiently,” she said. George-Bellamy said that she decided to become an entrepreneur because she believes that businesses can operate more efficiently with less stress on employees, by outsourcing some key business functions. This allows employees to focus on the job they were hired to perform, and company executives can focus on growing their businesses. “I decided to become an entrepreneur because I believe the local business landscape has changed, especially now with the pandemic. “Businesses are looking for reliable, professional business partners to take their business to the next level. I think this pandemic has forced a lot of businesses to look at their operations differently; to find innovative ways of doing business and operating more efficiently, but are not certain how this can be done. “This is exactly why I decided to start my business, to help companies get important things done and make certain processes easier,” she said. The businesswoman who has been working in the hospitality industry for almost a decade, also with experience working outside of Barbados, said that she is enthusiastic about her business because it gives her the opportunity to be creative, and to really get involved with businesses on another level, and it is also her way of serving people, which she is very passionate about. The owner of Lynde Solutions said that her business also provides specialiSed marketing services for clients. Having completed her Master’s Degree in Marketing and Sales, George-Bellamy said that businesses need to find innovative ways to reach customers where they are, and create avenues for customers to contribute new ideas to businesses. It is no longer an environment where customers have to come to you. Businesses have to keep their focus on where customers are, and what their interests are. George-Bellamy said that one thing that she would like to see changed in the business landscape in Barbados is the ease of doing business. “Too many people are having challenges to get basic things done. Long queues and disorganisation are often what is portrayed and people are very stressed and a lot of time is spent not being productive. “There are some improvements with the introduction of online services but still a lot needs to be done. I would like to see better systems in place, so that businesses and individuals can conduct important business faster and more efficiently,” she stressed. The businesswoman had some words of advice for any future small business owner which was that there is no perfect time to enter business. There is always a risk, the first step is always the hardest, but take that step anyway. “You have to be willing to lose it all, to gain it all,” she noted. (Write Right PR Services)