Local News President urges Bajans to choose peace over violence Barbados Today25/12/20210145 views President Dame Sandra Mason has expressed concern about the number of lives lost to violence in Barbados as she called on residents to focus more on living peacefully and thinking positively. In her first Christmas message since taking on the role of Head of State after Barbados transitioned to a republic last month, Dame Sandra lamented the violence even as she said there was much for Barbadians to be thankful for. “We must give thanks. There is so much to be thankful for at this Christmas time. In this respect, many of us have been living the message of the Christmas story – giving love, spreading joy, sharing peace and living with the hope that the birth of Christ has promised and Jesus himself, in his teaching, has reaffirmed. There is always the opportunity to extend our reach to do more in some way to benefit others,” she said. “I am concerned, however, about the number of persons who have lost their lives in violent situations. There is a need for less confrontation and aggression. We must all value life and the right to life and focus on peaceful living,” the President added. Up to June this year, there were just over 2,200 reported crimes in Barbados. Calling on Barbadians to maintain a positive outlook despite the challenges they faced, Dame Sandra also urged residents to “live as Jesus has shown us in his time on earth”. “We need not fear the future . . . ,” she said while recalling some of the hurdles the people of Barbados and the economy experienced earlier this year, including the ashfall from the eruption of the La Soufrière volcano in neighbouring St Vincent, Hurricane Elsa, a freak storm, and the effects of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. “We have all had to live in the new ‘normal’ life in a COVID-19 environment, either willingly or grudgingly. And whether we want to admit it or not, there have yet been many positives that we can take away, namely our resilience as a people, a greater sense of community living, a renewed caring and sharing, a greater appreciation for the simple things of life, the entrepreneurial spirit of Barbadians and the need to stay in touch with our loved ones,” the President said.(SB)