Baby Kayja and four other Independence Day newborns delivered at the QEH


Five babies were born Wednesday on the 56th anniversary of Barbados’ Independence led by bouncing girl Kayja Wilkinson.

Kayja was delivered just after 5 a.m., at eight pounds and 13 ounces.

She is the first girl child of 35-year-old Kaye Watts who has three boys dying to meet their sister.

“The boys are very excited that they have a baby sister. They always wanted a sister,” the excited mom said while responding to a question by Barbados TODAY.


Watts said that she feels fulfilled and excited for the future, declaring it’s every woman’s hope to have girl children.

“Every girl’s dream is to have a girl child,” she said laughing.

“I’m hoping to raise her to the best of my ability as I did with my boys and to ensure that she’s healthy and happy.”

The mother of 16-year-old Ohkwan, 12-year-old Khaydon and eight-year-old Jhaykwan was speaking during a special give back by Bryden Stokes and Ansa Trading on the Labour ward at the QEH.

The companies donated hampers with baby essentials to the mom who said she was very grateful for the items.

They also made donations to the other mothers on the ward who declined the media interviews at the time.

Watts said the gifts will go a long way.

“A heartfelt thank you for the hampers. There were unexpected and I’m very grateful,” she said.

When Watts goes home, which she is hoping to do soon, the plan is to have plenty of rest to make up for the last couple of extremely busy and tiresome nights.

“This is different to the others, honestly. From conception to delivery in many ways. I knew something was different but I didn’t know until she was born,” the beaming mom said.

The fact her daughter was born on Independence Day and the island’s one year anniversary of becoming a Republic means the world to Kaye

“I wasn’t looking for an Independence baby because normally my babies don’t go over time but this time, she wanted to be different from the others. With them I didn’t have the morning sickness but I had everything with her,” the mom said.

Watts explained that little Kayja, who woke up crying during the interview, was supposed to be born on Sunday, November 27 but almost as if she was timing the nation’s birthday, she came at 5:32 this morning.

Dad Rodney Wilkinson is equally proud.

Nursing Officer Hilda Dyall told reporters that the second baby, a male, was born at 10:38 a.m. weighing four pounds and the third at 12:21 p.m., weighing six pounds, 14 ounces.

During this afternoon’s visit, two other women were in labour.

Sales representative with Ansa Trading Jose Trotman said she was happy to be a part of the give back, noting that childbirth was not without it challenges.

“Having a baby is not an easy task and things these days are very expensive. We wanted to give back in some small way and that is why Bryden Stokes and Ansa Trading collaborated on this small venture to give blessings and love to these moms,” she explained.

Also present for the giveback was Brand Manager of Brydens Stokes Sonju Patterson and Sales and Marketing Representative Nicholas DaSilva.


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