Students delve into blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies

Students engaging with Hallam Hope on money, cryptocurrencies and Blockchain technology.

The wheels of progress to educate a new generation about the entrepreneurship and investment opportunities associated with Blockchain technology and Cryptocurrencies are turning, slowly, but turning nevertheless.

Eighteen students aged five to 15 were the latest audience for a conversation with investment educator Hallam Hope at a camp at Harrison College.

‘’The students were very engaging, bright and many of them were quick learners and sharp thinkers,’’ Hope said.

The Unique Helping Hands camp was organised by Penny Howell.

Hope had met her several years ago when former director of the Barbados Youth Business Trust Dr Marcia Brandon had invited volunteers to work with the entity.

The Unique Helping Hands camp engaged the youth in several areas related to their personal development.

And Money and Investment was where Blockchain technology, Cryptocurrency and Business came in.

Presenter Hallam Hope was informed by some students that trading was about buying at a low price and selling at a higher price. They were taught how to calculate profits, in terms of percentages and actual revenue earned.

Hope explained that investing could take several years or several months and about trading and investing in Bear markets and Bull markets.

They learnt about money and about some of the challenges of investing in a local market compared with opportunities to invest using international markets.

Hope explained the benefits of Blockchain technology and how new forms of business were being created almost daily using new technology that was safer, faster, cheaper and more secure at protecting the individual’s privacy, while offering them the potential to earn higher levels of revenue.

The students were invited to follow the Blockchain Business programme which is carried every Monday and Friday morning on Voice of Barbados (VOB). (PR)

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