New Orleans duo on cannabis, cocaine charges

A man and woman from 3rd Avenue, Marshall Gap, New Orleans, St Michael are facing cannabis and cocaine charges.

Appearing before Magistrate Alison Burke in the District ‘A’ Traffic Court, Rohan Hewitt, 41, and Shekinah Shiaeka Cornibert, 37, denied possession, intent to supply and trafficking of 194 grammes of cannabis valued at $970 and possession of 233 grammes of cocaine valued at $11 650, on December 12, 2023.

Cornibert is also charged with possession, intent to supply and trafficking of 39.15 kilogrammes of cannabis valued at $313 200, on the same date. She was not required to plead to the indictable offence.

Hewitt was granted $8 000 bail, while a bail amount of $100 000 was imposed on Cornibert.

The two return to court on June 28, 2024.

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