Overhaul region’s parliamentary governance, House Speaker urges

Speaker of the House of Assembly Arthur Holder SC.

peaker of the House of Assembly Arthur Holder SC, the current chairman of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA), has urged Caribbean parliamentarians to undertake major reforms of the governance structures within their respective parliaments. His call comes amid increasing concerns over declining public trust in regional lawmakers.


Addressing the CPA’s 46th Conference of the Caribbean, the Americas, and the Atlantic region, which began on Monday in Guyana, Holder emphasised that the conference should not be seen as just another routine event. Instead, he urged participants to use the occasion as an opportunity to critically evaluate and make necessary changes to parliamentary processes across the region.


“When we get back home, what have we done to improve our parliamentary processes for the benefit of all? That is what we need to do to make our parliaments more effective and more meaningful so as to regain the trust of our populace. Until and unless we do that, politicians will be of no use to the countries,” Holder stated.


He pointed out that voter apathy is growing, noting that election turnouts are often decreasing year by year.


Holder also acknowledged the efforts by regional governments to include more diverse candidates within their ranks but stressed that more needs to be done, especially in addressing ongoing shortcomings.


He also questioned the commitment of Caribbean parliaments to gender equality: “How many of our parliaments are really interested in making gender equality a reality? Do our parliaments put out female candidates in constituencies [so] that they can win and become members of parliament? Or are we purposely putting candidates in areas they can’t win so as to satisfy a quota?”


He further highlighted the importance of inclusivity, particularly regarding individuals with disabilities and other marginalised groups, urging parliamentarians to examine whether enough is being done to address these issues.


The House Speaker also called for improved security for parliamentarians, warning of the potential consequences if action is not taken.


“We need to see an improvement in security before one of us is assassinated while carrying out our duties,” he cautioned.


Holder also underscored the importance of oversight committees within parliaments, stressing the need for greater accountability, in line with the growing demands from citizens.


“Let us inwardly look at ourselves . . . let us do what is right for the people who have placed us in positions of authority. If we do that, I am sure that this conference can be the meaningful success that it can be,” he said.

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