Teen to face string of charges including murder

amary Akeem Daquan Nurse, 18, of Briar Hall, Kendal Hill, Christ Church is set to appear before Magistrate Deidre McKenna in the Oistins Magistrates’ Court on Thursday.

He is accused of the August 16 murder of Darian Ward and multiple offences that occurred between June and August.

These include:
Endangering Life – of Jomo Lewis on the 7th June, 2024
Unlawful Use of a Firearm – on the 7th June, 2024
Criminal Damage – Property belonging to Jomo Lewis on the 7th June, 2024
Criminal Damage – Property belonging to Marva Bynoe on the 21st July, 2024
Criminal Damage – Property belonging to Loretta Anthony on the 23rd July 2024
Endangering Life – of Shawn Sobers on the 9th August, 2024
Unlawful Use of a Firearm – on the 9th August, 2024
Endangering Life – of Levonte Williams on the 16th August, 2024
Unlawful Use of a Firearm – on the 16th August, 2024

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