Overgrown road sparks safety concerns in St George

The stretch of road in Carimichael Tenantry, St George overrun with bush.

Residents of Carmichael Tenantry in St George on Thursday issued an urgent appeal for immediate trimming of overgrown bush along the stretch of road that has become a hazardous breeding ground for vermin and a barrier to safe public transport.


They also requested the reinstatement of a bus stop in the village. The College Savannah/Society bus traverses the area.


A spokesman for a group of residents, Jeffrey Gooman Barrow, told Barbados TODAY:We were complaining about this situation for long. It wasn’t always like this. Sometimes the nearby plantation manager would ensure that it gets cut, we would put together and cut it ourselves, or the workers from the NCC [National Conservation Commission] would cut it. But nothing has been done for over two years.


“It is not only breeding a lot of rats and mosquitoes; the bush has taken over the road, especially where the bus stop used to be, to the point that there is no more bus pole. The issue is that the bus drivers who are not accustomed to the route sometimes take you further than your stop when you press the bell. For elderly people like me and young children, it is not safe. This is a high-traffic road; it is very busy, and a lot of heavy-duty vehicles frequent this road. With the bush taking over, it narrows the roadway even more. We would like something done as soon as possible.”


Barrow, who was declared medically unfit owing to worsening eyesight, said it was extremely difficult for him to navigate the road after getting off the bus.


He said: “The bus stop used to be near my house, and if we could find the disc, we would have erected it onto the utility pole. Imagine me getting out of the bus with my obscured vision; I could step in front of a vehicle. It is dangerous.”


The residents said a complaint was made to the Ministry of Transport and Works.

When contacted, area MP Dwight Sutherland said he was aware of the issue and efforts were being made to address the problems. He asked the residents for their patience.


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