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Lessons of passion week, glory of Easter

by Barbados Today
2 min read

Sunday, April 14 marked the beginning of Holy Week, observed by Christians worldwide. It is a week in which we commemorate Christ’s sacrifice for the sins of mankind. Truly, it’s a week of suffering, passion and redemption. Then, when it is all over, we celebrate the glorious resurrection of Christ, our Lord!

Holy Week (or Passion Week) commences with Palm Sunday. There is excitement in the air as Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. What a celebration as people ran before Him and threw their clothes and palms in His path. This was the coronation of the King of the Jews – and of course, the King of the world.

The Old Testament prophets’ predictions had come to pass (Zechariah 9:9). God had indeed remembered His people. But Jesus was not in Jerusalem to be exalted. He rode into Jerusalem to be sacrificed. What grave insights – true lessons – this first event of Passion Week teaches us!

We ought to be aware of the crowd mentality. Crowds are not always right in their actions. Truth and what is right are seldom found in numbers. Crowds usually possess mob mentality. And the mob is generally insincere, deceitful and deadly!

Palm Sunday should remind us that we should always do what is right – not what is convenient or politically correct and trust God for His best in the outcome.

On Good Friday, Jesus did what was right. In fact, He did what was God’s will. He was crucified. This was the culmination of His work here on earth. He was born to die. Good Friday of Passion Week represents all that Jesus did for us – that which we could not do for ourselves. He offered Himself as a perfect sacrifice.

We learn from this event that “… Jesus Christ truly revealed His passion for us in the suffering He willingly went through on our behalf,” (article, What is Passion Week/Holy Week? www.gotquestions.org). The death of Jesus on that first Good Friday and His burial on the Saturday conclude the Passion Week as we know it. Thank God that this does not conclude the life of Jesus or the finality of the Father’s dealings with mankind.

The hope and expectancy and radiance of a new dawn broke on that first Easter Sunday morning! The awesomeness of God was displayed for all the world to witness and embrace. Easter – Resurrection Sunday – teaches us that God’s love for mankind is unfathomable, and that it is always victorious.

As the old hymn says, Up from the grave He arose, with a mighty triumph o’er his foes, He arose a Victor from the dark domain, and He lives forever, with His saints to reign. He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose! The resurrection demonstrates that God’s will and purpose are inevitable in the earth.

A blessed Holy Week to one and all; and a glorious Easter, too!

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