Juniors have plenty fun in the sun

It was a kaleidoscope of colours as close to 2,000 masqueraders from 18 bands took part in the annual Junior Kadooment held in association with Consolidated Finance.

The event, slated for 10 am, got off to a late start. But that allowed the crowd to build and gather at Kensington Oval in order to witness the spectacle.

The juniors were bedecked in all the colours of the rainbow as they made their way across the stage in the blistering sun to be judged.

The flag girls and boys were full of energy as they led their bands on and off stage.

Designer Kevin Small, the man whose band has won the Junior Kadooment top prize for the past three years, said he was pleased with how things went. The band themed Protect Our Coast.

“Everything for me was good. Everything flowed well, we came we went on stage did what we had to do and exited. The kids were well watered, the heat wasn’t too bad.

“I am confident in my story which I wanted to sell. Once I get my message across that is what matters most to me at this stage. My kids are here walking around in their costumes so clearly they had a grand time. Once my kids are happy I am happy too ….”

The top designer in both junior and senior Kadooment told Barbados TODAY that his numbers were down from last year. There were 302 juniors last year as opposed to 175 this year.

“People complained about money and where they had multiple kids in the band we tried to accommodate them where possible… So we worked with the numbers we had. …”

Veteran bandleader Betty West, who won multiple titles in the past, said she was extremely pleased with her 150 revellers and the show they put on.

“This year was the most challenging year for me but from the time I had the dream about producing a band like this, it all started to flow. I wanted it to be something for children. I wanted it to be colourful and I wanted to remind people of the songs we used to sing and so on.  So today I feel really great. The children although they were hot they performed very well. My little flag girl I was happy with her. I am very grateful to the people who contribute…”

Corporate Communications Specialist at the National Cultural Foundation Simone Codrington said the organisers are pleased with the patronage of the event.

“Certainly, the spectator numbers are growing. We had close to 3,000 last year. The change in venue seems to be adding to this growth…”

When the masquerading is done the crowd will be treated to an after party featuring the three Junior Monarchs – Quon, Shontae and The Mighty Bit Bit – along with Dynamo, Little Stathis and others. (IMC)

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