FTC to rule on blackout compensation

The Fair Trading Commission has signalled that it was nearing the end of its investigations to determine whether Light & Power will have to compensate customers for a two-day, island-wide blackout last November.

But it gave no timeline.

The outages, which the electric company attributed to engine failure, occurred on November 18 and 19, which severely impacted households and businesses, forcing the intervention of Prime Minister Mia Mottley.

The FTC said its probe involves a comprehensive assessment of the circumstances and contributing factors that led to the failure.

The commission said: “The investigation will also determine whether the occurrence of the outages breached the Utilities Regulation Act, CAP.282 or any other law which the Commission administers; or the Commission’s BL&P Standards of Service Decision 2018-2020 and related Order. “

The FTC said the final decision will take into consideration whether the BL&P took reasonable action prior to and following the outages.

It will also examine  “whether there has been a breach of relevant legislation and Standards of Service.

The Commission said it is currently at the penultimate stage of preparing the Findings Report after which it and it will submit its report to BL&P and then publish its decision.

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