Gunplay in Christ Church and St Michael

Police are probing two separate shooting incidents that occurred earlier today.

According to Police Public Relations Officer Acting Inspector Rodney Inniss, lawmen from Hastings/Worthing Police Station responded to the first incident, which occurred around 1:15 p.m., at Bamboo Avenue, St Lawrence Gap, Christ Church. “A 62-year-old man reported to the police that he was at home, in his bedroom, when he heard a number of gunshots. As he went to the front of his house he recognised that there were areas [that had been] damaged, namely the front gallery, front door and side step,” Inniss said. No one was injured as a result of that incident.

Meanwhile, Inniss said police responded to the second shooting which occurred around 2:50 p.m., at King Street, St Michael. According to the police spokesman, a funeral service was underway in the area when members of the congregation and the general public reported hearing a series of loud explosions, which caused many of them to scamper.

“Investigations were conducted, the scene identified and processed by the Forensic Department . . . . A number of motor vehicles [were] damaged as a result of the gunshots. Two houses in the immediate area were [also] damaged. No injuries were reported. (FW)

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