Bush Hall man admits to having gun and bullets

The details of how a young man was found in possession of a gun and ammunition over seven years ago will be disclosed in the High Court next month.

When Rashaad Brian Bostic from Savannah Road, Bush Hall appeared before Justice Carlisle Greaves today he pleaded guilty to a three-count indictment.

Bostic, 25, admitted that on June 5, 2014 he had in his possession a .32 revolver without a valid licence and four rounds of ammunition without a valid permit. He also took responsibility for the charge of having a ski mask on the same day, in the course of or in connection with theft when he was not at his place of abode.

The pleas were accepted by Senior Crown Counsel Neville Watson who will outline the details of Bostic’s crimes on July 30.

The now convicted man told the No. 3 Supreme Court that he has put his life on track holding a job in addition to being an entrepreneur.

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