Drinks thief jailed

Sheldon Angus Thorne has been sentenced to four years in prison on a burglary charge.

The 53-year-old from Sherbourne, St John pleaded guilty before Acting Magistrate Krystal Delaney to burglarizing J.E.B Selection and stealing an assortment of drinks belonging to Anthia Williams between September 7 and 8. The stolen merchandise included 150 bottles of beer, 12 bottles of rum, 28 bottles of soda, 24 bottles of Plus, 18 bottles of malt and 12 bottles of energy drinks as well as 12 sleeping caps, 15 face masks and $20 cash. The items totaled $ 1 340.

Constable Ralph Rollock told the District ‘A’ Magistrates’ Traffic Court that Williams secured her stall and was later informed that it had been broken into. Thorne, who is known to the court with some 66 prior convictions, was later charged for the offence.

Magistrate Delaney after hearing from the convicted man sentenced him to four years in prison with an order that he enroll in drug rehabilitation. He told the court he uses cocaine and needed help.

However, his legal troubles do not end with that sentence however as he is also facing a charge of breaching the island’s COVID-19 curfew. He is alleged to have contravened Paragraph 3 Subparagraph (1) of the Emergency Management (COVID-19) (Curfew) (No.17) Directive 2021 by leaving his home between the hours of 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. when he has not a member of an essential service or a person with an emergency.

No plea was taken from Thorne for the offence which is alleged to have been committed on September 21. The matter was transferred to the District ‘C’ Magistrates’ Court for hearing on October 18.

Thorne is also facing a charge of entering G Mart Enterprise, on September 14, and stealing $1 400 cash belonging to Elizabeth Parris while armed with a firearm.

He was not required to plead to the indictable charge and will reappear before the District ‘A’ Magistrates’ Court on October 25.

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