Points West: Mixed reaction to MP King’s departure

St Philip West MP John King’s decision to walk away from the re-election race at the next General Election has been met with varied reactions from his constituents in St Philip.

While everyone who spoke with Barbados TODAY in the community of Marchfield acknowledged that his mark on the constituency was not indelible, some are lamenting that the brevity of his political journey has not afforded him a fair chance.

The 57-year-old who made his name as an entertainer and calypsonian entered the political fray in 2018 and unseated incumbent Democratic Labour Party representative David Estwick during a massive swing in favour of the Barbados Labour Party.

But on Sunday evening, just three and a half years after stepping into the House of Assembly for the first time, King announced that he would not be throwing his hat in the ring a second time, instead making way for Government Senator Kay McConney.

“I was surprised to hear it given that this is the first time he went in, but if that is his way, there’s nothing that we could do about that,” Levere Headley, 81, told Barbados TODAY.

When asked about his impact, Headley replied: “Since he got in, I can’t remember ever seeing him come through here yet, so I can’t say anything about that at all.”

The self-proclaimed Mia Mottley supporter acknowledged that having received a proper residential road, a natural gas pipeline and street lights some years ago, he has not been asking for much.

Asked for his thoughts on King’s successor, Headley replied: “I don’t know her, but she could try. I really don’t believe in any parties, but I believe in leaders of the party like Errol Barrow. He was a leader that you had that helped the poor people. Right now Mia Mottley is the hardest working leader that we have.”

Another constituent was considerably more blunt.

“I only see John King on TV, so I have no comment. Sorry about that. I know nothing about John King even when he ran, I never saw John King around here yet,” the elderly woman said.

At a small shop in the area, a man who identified only as Daman said he was disappointed that the road passing through his neighbourhood remained in an awful state of disrepair and that drainage issues had not been addressed.

“Maybe it was the position he was in. Maybe that wasn’t his calling, so maybe he may be placed in a different position where he can do better,” Daman said of King.

As for Senator McConney, he said: “Politics is not really my thing but I always want people to go into [the House of Assembly] and do good. That is the most important thing. Look at the issues of the people in the community and deal with them.”

Another man who was liming in the shop was happy to see King go but said that instead of McConney he would like to hear from former DLP representative David Estwick.

“[King] can’t beat Estwick again. That was a fluke that time around and I can tell you that he can’t beat Estwick, so they did the right thing to get rid of him and the woman that they’re bringing, she’s wasting her time,” he said.

Esther Harris, a BLP supporter, said despite rumours of King’s departure, she was very surprised about the ultimate outcome. Harris added that she would support Senator McConney although she did not know much about her.

“I am sorry to see him going so soon. Given that the election is in the next few years, I thought he would come back. He was trying. Before COVID came in, he was really trying hard,” she said.

Doug Harris, a member of the St Philip West executive branch, praised the first-time MP for his efforts.

“John has done a lot of work but politicians in this country don’t have it easy because you have the general public that would come every day to harass the politician… but he cannot do everything all at once,” he said.


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