Search on for new BHTA CEO

The BHTA now has a committee in place to review the applications for the position of Chief Executive Officer, a post that will become vacant at the end of this month when outgoing CEO Rudy Grant leaves office.

Chairman of the BHTA Renee Coppin said she anticipates there would be some overseas applicants interested in the role which has been advertised for the past couple weeks. The deadline for applications for the post of CEO at the non-profit private sector trade association is June 3, 2022.

“We are going to be taking candidates from as far afield as possible. But ultimately, the person has to have a good grounding and relationships in Barbados, a good knowledge of the industry, and so those things will also inform how we choose the next candidate,” she explained.

Coppin said while she understood change is necessary for any organisation, officials of the BHTA were sad to see Grant leave.

On May 19 the BHTA announced that after six years, Grant would demit office at the end of June, but he would be integral in the process of recruiting his successor and an interim CEO would be appointed during the period of transition.

Two days later Prime Minister Mia Mottley revealed that Grant would become Barbados’ new Consul General in Miami.

Coppin said the BHTA will be using the opportunity to “revisit” how it did business and to look at the role of CEO to see how it can be improved if necessary, and to ensure that the best person is chosen to take the organisation into the future.

“I think it opens up an exciting opportunity for us to kind of relook, rethink and re-energize the role of CEO and see where else we can go with it. I think our board is very committed to ensuring that we bring on someone who is as high-calibre as Rudy,” said Coppin.

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