#BTSpeakingOut – When public trust is damaged

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the author(s) do not represent the official position of Barbados TODAY.

We live in a global era where trust in authority figures is deeply eroded and disinformation and misinformation are often not proactively and comprehensively combated by officials, (ExhIbit A: COVID-19 and its vaccines) which further damages this public trust. Barbados is not immune from this status quo.

The miscommunication regarding the Dover land acquisition notices last week and now this late and limited official communication around the IADB/METVT survey, its apparent breach of parental consent rights and apparent breach of the mental health data protection and other rights to privacy of our nation’s children, only further damages the public’s trust. This must also damage our children’s trust in authority whose primary role is to protect them (once again, CXC refers), making that collective public trust much more difficult to repair and regain.

The public views that the ‘survey’ was misrepresented and is suspicious of intent. That will be hard to mitigate and will require targeted damage control in crisis communication.

Too many questions remain unanswered relating to this debacle. The public should see the 300 (?) questions in the survey. How many children did the ‘survey’? The scripts should be returned to the children and parents, and counselling provided. Advice should be given to the public as to the new protocols in the METVT re data collection from minor children.

Further official communication, including from the Minister, to the public on this ‘survey’ is essential, lest that public trust is irredeemably damaged.

The significant public concern certainly has not been assuaged and it must be proactively addressed, lest it festers, to our national detriment.

Paula-Anne Moore

Parent Advocate


The Group of Concerned Parents, Barbados

The Caribbean Coalition for Exam Redress

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