Teen to return to court January 9

The teen who was allegedly apprehended following a police chase at Fordes Road on New Year’s Day made an appearance in court today charged with a number of traffic offences.

Shaqkim Sharad Ronald Blackman, 19, of Brereton  No. 1, St Philip was charged with driving motor vehicle X6375 when he was not the holder of a driver’s licence and the vehicle was not covered by insurance.

He is further accused of failing to draw up his vehicle on the approach a police vehicle sounding a siren, failing to stop the vehicle, driving without reasonable consideration for other persons using the roads and driving without due care and attention.

Blackman is also charged with having a quantity of marijuana in his possession on the same day.

All the offences reportedly occurred about 3:54 a.m. on January 1.

The accused was not required to plead to the charges when he appeared before Magistrate Douglas Frederick this morning with his attorneys Michael Lashley, QC, Kadisha Wickham and Dayna Taylor-Lavine.

He was granted $2,000 bail to return to the District ‘A’ Traffic Court on January 9.

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