Thief must pay up

A self employed 43-year-old man has three months to compensate his victims if he wants to avoid six months in prison.

Magistrate Kristie Cuffy-Sargeant imposed the order yesterday on Ryan Anderson Padmore, of Salters, St George in the District ‘A’ Magistrates’ Court.

The accused had been on remand for the last 28 days awaiting sentencing after he pleaded guilty to stealing 24 bottles of perfume worth $360 on September 29, 2018 belonging to No. 1 Beauty Supply; unlawfully and maliciously wounding Lewis Howard on February 16, 2019 as well as damaging a motor van belonging to the Crown on the same date.

He was ordered to compensate Howard who he had bitten $1,000 and $920.88 to the Crown. He was sentenced to time served on remand in connection with the perfume theft.

Padmore, who was represented by attorney-at-law Mohia Ma’at must return to court on June 18 to show proof of payment.

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