Lifestyle Pet Wellness in focus Barbados Today04/05/20191443 views In an audience filled with the “who is who” in the animal care community, family, friends and colleagues witnessed the opening of Sandy Coasts Pet Wellness Centre, Inc. by Dr Alanna Myers. Created in a home-style setting, the close to 50 persons in attendance were part of a celebration of this young entrepreneur realising her dream. Parents Dr Donovan Myers and Mrs Roseanne Myers spoke of their daughter’s passion for being a veterinarian since she was five years old as a student of St Gabriel’s school. After leaving Queen’s College, Dr Myers entered vet school at the UWI St Augustine campus in Trinidad where she graduated from the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine programme. She returned home and operated her mobile vet service for three years before embarking on plans for Sandy Coasts Pet Wellness Centre. The clinic will focus on not only taking care of sick animals but on maintaining wellness through stimulation and exercise. Education of owners, especially children, on the proper care and maintenance of pets will be a focus. Veterinary, pet boarding, and pet exercise services are just a few of the features available. Pet care products will also be on sale. Says Dr Myers of the Pet Centre: “Sandy Coasts Pet Wellness Centre, Inc. is the place for pet fun, fitness and wellness. It will be a place for pets not just to survive, but to thrive.” In his prayer of blessing, Bishop of the Barbados District of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the West Indies Bishop Gerald Seale, noted that we all have a duty to take care of God’s creatures and he wished God’s blessings on Dr Myers as she tries to create a unique experience for her animals. President of the Barbados Veterinary Association (B.V.A.) Dr Patricia D. Bedford pledged the support of the association for Dr Myers, who is the association’s former secretary. “I have seen the dedication and hard work Alanna has put into the association. We know she will be successful and has our support and assistance if required,” Dr Bedford said. In her own remarks, Dr Myers thanked all her early mentors and expressed how humbling it was to see the number of friends, colleagues and neighbours that came out in support. Associates from organisations Dr Myers is a member of, including the Ark Animal Welfare Society and Action for Animals Barbados and colleagues from other clinics, joined her family and close friends in marking this occasion. Dr Myers concluded by saying, “The road as an entrepreneur has its challenges but I thank all those who have been instrumental in helping me to get this far as my journey has only now started.” Dr Alanna Myers will be joined by Surgical Consultant Dr Amoy Foster. Sandy Coasts Pet Wellness will be open for appointments from Tuesday, April 23, 2019 onward, and can be reached at (246) 624-3668 and (246) 842-8860 for house calls and clinic visits. It is located in Maxwell Gardens, Christ Church on the south coast of Barbados. (PR)