Lifestyle Healing with light Barbados Today17/07/20191806 views Dr Sean Russell M.B.B.S, C.C.N.M, a board-certified doctor by the American Medical Association, specializes in energy medicine. He is the founder of Wellness Retreat Limited and began offering Putative Energy Medicine (PEM) at his facility in 2018 after acquiring a PEM device. Energy Medicine is defined as any energetic or informational interaction with a biological system to bring back homeostasis in the organism. Rusell explained to Barbados TODAY the US-based National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) distinguishes between Veritable Energy Medicine and Putative Energy Medicine (PEM). “Health care involving scientifically observable energy which it calls Veritable Energy Medicine includes magnetic therapy such as PEMF and light therapy. Health care methods that invoke physically undetectable or unverifiable “energies” which is called Putative Energy Medicine includes Healing Touch, Reiki and Crystal Healing,” he said. The medical doctor said he provides pulsed electromagnetic frequency therapy (PEMF), red light therapy as well as light and sound therapy to his patients. “I want to focus on the veritable type of energy medicine where the treatment modalities are backed by scientific studies, in many cases double-blind studies, which certify the treatment works and it is not a sham and a placebo effect. “My training in allopathic medicine demands proof in the efficacy of treatment prior to using it on a patient. PEMF-Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency Therapy and red light therapy are the main forms of energy medicine that I offer patients. However, I also do light and sound therapy as well,” he said. Russell said Energy Medicine helps to heal patients’ ailments as it assists the body with the mechanism to heal itself. “The human body is comprised of cells, these cells carry out all the functions the body requires. Science has proven that living cells in the human body have a voltage across their cell membrane, somewhat akin to a battery. Science has also shown that unhealthy cells have a low voltage. Delivering energy to cells in a way the cells can absorb it energizes them and therefore they function better. Depending on what system the cells are a part of, the function of that system will improve and by extension, the state of the whole body improves. At the macro level, soft tissue injuries, wound healing, bone healing (even non-unions) headaches, migraines, dizziness, tinnitus, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, sciatica, anxiety, depression, and endometriosis, to name a few, [could be assisted by energy medicine],” he said. Dr Russell said that Barbadians lack knowledge about the benefits to be derived from energy medicine. “Regarding PEMF, this modality is practiced much more in Europe and Japan and therefore, we are quite uninformed about it. That being said, there is also a lot of skepticism about it. This is not necessarily unfair as alternative medical therapies are not policed as closely as traditional Western medicine and there are instances of practitioners making false claims or simply not having scientific evidence to back up their claims. However, there is a tremendous benefit to be gained from the use of responsibly applied energy medicine,” he said. Russell added that a common misconception is PEM is the same as static magnetic therapy. “Magnetic fields have been shown to have beneficial effects on people, particularly painful conditions. Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency is different in that it is not static due to magnetic properties of a piece of metal. Instead, it is dynamically generated from an electrical field and mimicking the positive effects the Earth’s electromagnetic field has on us,” he said. A highlight of his career as a PEM provider is offering his patients health care that is not based solely on drugs. “What energy medicine does is to help the body to heal itself. So there is actual healing as opposed to treating an ailment; the modalities are very safe; the modalities have minimal side effects. Some have had a change where they have a chronic pain condition from childhood and for the first time, they have real relief from pain without any side effects,” Russell said. He added many Barbadians are searching for natural treatments, but they want to know the treatment is safe and it works. However, he told Barbados TODAY that a challenge many Barbadians may have with seeking his treatments is the cost which is attached. “Often the cost of traditional health care is offset by health insurance. Patients can claim for their treatments and get refunds. In certain European countries claims for alternative medicine are commonly covered by insurance companies.” Persons who would like to have more information on PEM can visit his website at or schedule an appointment with Dr Sean Russell via phone at 228-9351 or email (LG)