Killer cops to manslaughter

Trevor Linus Baptiste (FP)

Sixty-one-year-old Melanese Eversley fought her attacker who was trying to rob her of her handbag, before he stabbed her between the breasts and killed her.

That culprit was Trevor Linus Baptiste alias Coco, of Cutting Road, Haggatt Hall, St Michael who took $112 from Eversley’s bag after he cuffed and scuffled with her. Last week in the No. 2 Supreme Court he pleaded not guilty to murder but guilty to manslaughter which the prosecution accepted.

Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Queen’s Counsel Donna Babb-Agard today revealed the details of what happened to the former Jordan, St George resident and mother of two sons on September 3, 2015.

Eversley, a general worker, was walking along Jordan Tenantry Road heading to work wearing a blouse, pants and slippers on the day she met her death.

About 11:55 a.m. on September 4, 2015 officers received an anonymous call about a fire at Constance, St George. Fire officers responded but it was while on their way that they spotted another fire. On approach they saw a woman who appeared to be lifeless lying on her back in a grassy area. The fire, which had not yet reached her body, was extinguished.

Investigations later lead to South District, St George where Baptiste who was in possession of a blue motorcycle, which was seen by another witness, was detained and a search warrant executed at this house. A knife believed to have been used was taken as evidence as well as the clothes he was wearing on the day.

As investigations continued he gave a statement to police which he voluntary signed.

Baptiste said that earlier on September 3 he left home with the intention of picking ackees but when he got to the tree it was bare. He then pushed his hand in his pockets searching for $60 he had but was unable to find it. He then got on his motorcycle and as he rode across Jordan Road he saw a lady walking with a black bag under her arm.

“I suggest that she would have money on her. I decided to snatch her to get any money she had on her. On doing that she scuffling with me and I throw her down,” said Baptiste who went on to say that he asked the lady if she had money but she said “no”.

“I tell she, she telling lies. I scuffling to get the bag from her so she will let go and she did not. I end up cuffing her, cuffing her at [least] two more times and I realise that she was unconscious. I then took the bag and search through it and found $112,” he said in the statement.

Baptiste added: “Before I left I happen to stab her and took the bag and things and went higher in the some dry grass and light it so the bag and stuff would burn and I left the area”.

He told police he bought gas and oil with the money and he had “exposed” the knife he was carrying “to get control … because she was struggling” and stabbed her because “she was fighting up”.

He later told one of the deceased’s sons, “I am sorry, I am so sorry”.

According to the DPP a post mortem was conducted on the body on September 8, which declared that the cause of death was due to cardiac injury secondary to a stab wound to the chest. The wound was caused by a sharp object and was six inches deep while there were also multiple minor abrasions and scratches as well as bruising to the elbow and arm.

As the DPP gave the details and showed some of the pictures from the photo albums taken by officers, Baptiste sat in the dock with his hand over his mouth, his fingers interlocked, index fingers in the shape of a triangle just under his nose and no visible expression on his face.

His remand time was then read into evidence by an officer from HMP Dodds who said that Baptiste had been in jail for the past 1,499 days since he was remanded for the offence on September 14, 2015.

A pre-sentencing report has been order and mitigation on sentencing will be made when he returns before Justice Randall Worrell on December 13.

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