Counter attack

A revenge killing!

That is how prosecutor Crown Counsel Oliver Thomas summed up the actions of murder accused Pedro Ellis in closing arguments in the No.3 Supreme Court this morning.

Ellis, 38, of Morris Gap, Westbury Road, St Michael is accused of murdering Antonio Harewood on May 5, 2013.

Thomas, who along with Crown Counsel Rudolph Burnett prosecuted the matter before Justice Carlisle Greaves, told the 12-member jury Ellis was vexed that Harewood had
beaten his son on Brandons Beach earlier that day.

He said several witnesses had given evidence that they saw the accused chase the now deceased man through a track.

Thomas said those witnesses also recounted seeing Ellis brandishing a knife both before and after the alleged stabbing.

He maintained that despite the accused’s claim that he “went in peace”, it was clear he had gone to confront Harewood with the clear intention to kill him.

However, defense lawyer Queen’s Counsel Larry Smith described the Crown’s attempt to prove Ellis’ guilt as “magical”.

He said the evidence given by those witnesses who claimed to have seen the accused with a knife was untruthful and implored the jury to find his client not guilty of murder.

Furthermore he said no knife had been presented as evidence.

“No knife has been produced, nothing from the police about the knife, nothing at all. So when you look at the case for the Crown it is a case about magic, it is a magic case; a case of the appearing and disappearing knife,” Smith argued in his hour-long argument.

The attorney contended that the Crown had not proved Ellis’ guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

He also insisted that there was “indisputable evidence” that Harewood had been the aggressor.

Smith argued that Ellis had been attacked by the bigger and stronger Harewood and was forced to fight for his life.

He told the jury the accused had suffered enough and deserved to be released.

“This happened on the 5th of May 2013 and this is now October 22, 2019. He has suffered enough for defending himself and I urge you, I implore you to return a verdict of not guilty because it is the only verdict that is fair and reasonable. Allow Mr Ellis to go home to his family because he has suffered enough,” the lawyer said.

Smith along with Kashka Haemans, Safiya Moore and Jamila Smith are representing the accused.

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