Abuser jailed

For stabbing his lover in a fit of rage after she threatened to leave him, Andre Jamal Henry will spend the next six months incarcerated at HMP Dodds.

That was the sentence handed down by Magistrate Joy-Ann Clarke, when Henry reappeared in the District ‘A’ Magistrates Court today.

The 37-year-old of St David’s, Christ Church, had been remanded last Wednesday pending sentencing.

On that appearance he had pleaded guilty to unlawfully and maliciously wounding Ashaki Williams on October 3, 2019.

As he stood in the dock, the magistrate told him that his actions had resulted in Williams suffering serious injuries to her left hand, including an injury that required 20 stitches.

She then told him that only a term of imprisonment would suffice.

“A crime like this, especially stabbing someone with a scissors is a very serious offence.

“Unfortunately, I will have to sentence you to imprisonment because this crime is just too serious,” the magistrate told him moments before imposing the sentence.

On hearing the news a tense looking Henry bowed his head and released a loud gasp.

According to the facts of the case, the accused and complainant were in a relationship and have a two-year-old daughter. They lived at the complainant’s residence at Lower Collymore Rock, St Michael.

However, the relationship was rocky and the two frequently had arguments.

Around 6:20 a.m. on October 3 an argument started and the complainant told the accused she wanted to leave the relationship.

She then left the residence and got into her car and tried to leave but the accused ran in front of the car blocking her path.

The complainant then opened her door for her mother and the accused used the opportunity to jump into the car.

After locking the doors of the car he took a scissors out of his pocket and stabbed at her.

She used her hands to shield herself and as a result received injuries to her left palm and left index finger.

The complainant’s sister eventually came to her rescue by using a brick to break the driver’s side window which allowed her to escape.

The injured woman sought medical attention and received the stitches to her hand.

The accused subsequently turned himself into police on October 15.

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