“Ideal Caribbean Person” hits home . . . QC students raise over $1,000 for recovery efforts in The Bahamas

Queen’s College students handed over $1,683.56 to Barbados’ Ambassador to CARICOM David Comissiong at the school’s morning assembly on Thursday for the CDEMA Barbados: Bahamas Relief Fund.

Sixth form student, Naomi Cambridge, who organized the fund-raising effort, said she had so taken to heart the CARICOM concept of the “Ideal Caribbean Person”, that as soon as she became aware of the plight of her fellow Caribbean citizens in the Bahamas she knew that she had a duty to try to help in some way.

Since 2011, Queen’s College has been promoting the CARICOM concept of “The Ideal Caribbean Person” by creating large posters that feature the definition of the Ideal Caribbean Person and displaying them at strategic points on the school compound, and also by regularly expounding on the concept at the College’s morning Assembly.

The Queen’s College donation brings the total donated by Barbadians to the Bahamas Relief Fund thus far to $644,406.01.

Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley has also revealed that in addition to this, the Barbados government is itself donating $1 million. (PR)

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