Early Christmas gift for 22 in Welch Village

Squatters at Welch Village, St John have received an early Christmas gift from their Member of Parliament Charles Griffith.

Today, the Minister in the Ministry of Housing delivered letters to 22 people in the area offering them the opportunity to purchase the land they occupy under the Tenantries Freehold Purchase Act.

Residents told members of the media that they felt relieved that after many years of waiting they would finally become landowners and would no longer have to wonder whether their homes would be “pushed down”.

Residents also indicated that after purchasing the properties for between $300 to a maximum of $800, based on the coverage of land occupied, they intend to expand and complete their houses.

Jewel Nurse, 30, who was born and raised in the area, said he appreciated that Griffith kept his word and noted that he planned to expand his farming project once he had the ownership papers in his hands.

One resident who lives with her two children and a grandchild said she was thankful that she would be able to own a piece of the rock that she would eventually pass on to her offspring.

“The BLP [Barbados Labour Party] come through for we and I know that I can do what else I have to do with the house,” the resident said.

Another resident, who also expressed gratitude to Griffith, said she was overjoyed at the opportunity to purchase the property where she lived for 15 years.

“Security and comfort and not having to wake up and wonder how long you are going to be here thanks to Mr Griffith,” she said.

Nigel Daniel, who indicated that he had been living in Welch Village for 23 years, said that while he was pleased to have the documentation in hand, he was unsure what would be his next move.

One young man who was surprised when his letter was delivered said he knew that other residents in his age group welcomed and respected the opportunity to own land.

Last July, Griffith advised residents that they would be able to purchase the land at 10 cents per square foot, while government would foot the rest of the bill.

Griffith asked the residents to complete a Tenantries Freehold Purchase Act form, which makes provision for qualified tenants to exercise their rights to purchase lots on which they have been residing for five consecutive years, or five years out of the immediately preceding seven years.

“This is the main reason why I came to political life to ensure that persons within this constituency, my constituency where I would have lived all of my life, see a better way of life.

“Today is just one installment of the process going forward in terms of things that would happen that would change lives of individuals within the constituency of St John,” he said.

Griffith also promised to ensure that Welch Village gets better roads in the future since those that currently exist made it difficult to travel through the area. (AH)

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