Plot to murder lover

Malissa Carla Griffith (FP)

Frustrated with the abuse sustained at the hands of the late Lamar Carter confessed murderer Malissa Carla Griffith told her friend Fidel Alleyne the deceased “liked to buy weed” and “anybody can catch Lamar like that”.

That evidence was revealed today as Acting Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions Anthony Blackman detailed the facts of Carter’s shooting death, which occurred between February 9, and 10, 2015 moments after Griffith pleaded guilty to murder in the High Court.

Griffith, of Rochester Way, Grazettes, St Michael, was 25 at the time. In a statement to police she revealed that she met Carter in 2010 at a cock fight in St Thomas. They exchanged numbers and she “started to fall in love with Lamar”. They eventually entered into a relationship but things “started to go downhill” during the second year.

“Every time I attempt to leave the relationship Lamar would put a black handle knife to my throat and tell me that I can’t leave him. I was afraid of Lamar.”

She also alleged that Carter beat her three times when they took a trip to Canada in 2013.

“I started to get frustrated and wanted to leave the relationship  . . . sometimes I would tell my friend Fidel Alleyne . . .  Fidel would often tell me to leave out Lamar,” the statement said.

Griffith further revealed that in December 2014 they got into another argument and “he slap me in my face twice and shocked me with a black taser”. She relayed that incident to Alleyne telling him that she wanted to be happy. “Fidel told me not to worry that just now I will be happy.”

She subsequently travelled to Guyana in January 2015 to purchase clothes and informed Carter during a conversation that she might be pregnant.

“He told me to do what I want to do. I got so vex and curse Lamar . . and blocked his number”.

According to the statement read by the prosecutor, Griffith got in contact with Alleyne the following day and told him she was vexed with Lamar and frustrated and that “I wanted him out of my f****** life and that I wanted him dead.”

“My head was so offset that I told Fidel that Lamar like to buy weed and tell him anybody can catch Lamar like that and gave him Lamar’s cellular phone number.”

The statement continued: “I messaged Fidel the Sunday and ask him if he collect my money and do the things for me. All he reported and say was that he going to make me happy.”

Griffith said she was informed by a friend on February 10, 2015  that Carter had been killed.

“I did not believe him so I messaged Lamar’s [relative] and she told me Lamar was dead.

Griffith will know her fate when she reappears in the No. 3 Supreme Court before Justice Carlisle Greaves on Friday, January 31. Her attorney-at-law Angella Mitchell Gittens waived a request for a pre-sentencing report.

Her bail was revoked today and she is now on remand at Dodds.

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