Fashion with an African edge . . . Afritee Designs makes the old new again

Shawn Springer always had an eye for fashion. So the transition from model to designer was by no means a surprise.

“I always had an interest in fashion. I did some modelling with agencies such as Images and Ebony and was a contestant in Mr Ebony Barbados 2004 where I won Mr Photogenic. I always wanted to design my own clothes but never pursued it,” he told Today’s Fashion.

The 47-year-old is the owner of Afritee Designs, which started in December 2018 and operates under the umbrella of SAS Creations. Afritee is a fusion of African print, and tee shirts. The reason for the name is that the fusion of African print and a T-shirt was his very first design.

“I had a Father’s Day luncheon to attend in 2018 and wanted to wear something unusual so I took an old white T-shirt and sewed some African print on to it. The shirt was a hit with my friends. Then my son Shae and I went to a concert, and he wanted us to dress alike, so I made one for him. 

He continued: “Again, the shirts were a hit among the patrons there. My daughter Shaunee asked me to attend a garden function and again wanting something unusual to wear, this time I took an old dress shirt, and again added African print to it, creating my own unique design. Again, this shirt was a hit with some of the other guests.”

Shawn, a graduate of the Barbados Community College and the University of the West Indies, has a Bachelor’s degree in social work. However, he is swift to point out that he had no formal or academic training in fashion designing when he first started the business.
“I have no formal training in fashion designing, machine operation, financial management, nothing. After starting Afritee Designs, I completed the beginners tailoring class at the Barbados Vocational Training Board and a dress-making course at the Green’s Community Centre in St. George with Susan Reeves.”

The former student of Christ Church Foundation School reminisced about how his business venture started.

“In about August 2018, a friend of Anastasia Bennett was to be a designer at an Emerald Models Fashion Show. Due to other commitments she couldn’t do the show, so I showed the organizer some photos of my clothes and asked if I could take her place. Though the show was cancelled, we still did a photo-shoot, and the models loved my line.

He explained: “In November that same year, my friend Stephanie Chase asked me to assist her with an outfit for Independence Day.  Reluctantly, I accepted. Stephanie pushed me to a level I didn’t even know existed, but she believed in me when I didn’t even believe in myself. Shawn also mentioned C. Cheryl Cheeseman from Emerald Models Management and Michael Warde for helping in his development.

With a few pieces under his belt and having done a major photoshoot, Afritee Designs was born.

“I regret I didn’t get into fashion earlier when I was younger and had more time on my hands. I am motivated by the idea that something that is seemingly useless can be re-made into something new. The belief in second chances, or as some may call it, a rebirth. 

“Clothes are like personalities, they tell a story. People make assumptions about you simply based on how you dress. I also work with substance abusers and I see my job as vitally important because we show clients that they can have a second chance. This same concept I carry into my designs. After you have worn an outfit, and it is now too small or out of style, don’t throw it out, recreate it, bring new life to it,” said the social worker.

Shawn’s designs were on show at Girlfriend’s Expo 2019 for the entire weekend. Even when the number of designers for the Sunday fashion show was cut from about 11 designers to three, he was one of the three. He was also the guest designer at À la mode – For The Love of Fashion and Form 2019.

“I wouldn’t say I specialize in any particular area. I would say that I am in the process of evolving. At the dressmaking class, I did in St. George, I learned to make skirts, blouses, dresses and bags. Susan encouraged us to be creative and try new things. One of the things I tried was to make a laptop bag from a pair of old jeans. 

“Though it was a challenge, I birthed in me the idea that maybe this is an option I can consider, the creation of different types of bags from old jeans. I try to create a design that best reflects what the client wants and that may best suit their body type and complexion. I try to create a garment that is unique to them and best meets their needs.”

Shawn creates designs for all ages and genders from as young as two years to over 60 years old.

“I get inspiration for my designs from everywhere and everything. I may be watching a movie and see something and think, ‘hmmm this design would look good on a shirt.’ I may be driving and see an old shuttle house, or a tree or patch of wood and of course, Pinterest.”

The owner told Today’s Fashion that business has grown over the past year, but slowly. 

“Since my focus was mainly African wear, business usually peaked in the month of February. But I have seen an increase in business from February 2019, over February 2018. Also, since the creation of my Instagram page, SAS Creations’ orders throughout the year have increased as well.

“African Awareness Month 2020 was the busiest time I have ever experienced. I had to juggle work with completing orders for shirts, especially with persons who ordered last minute. Considering that I don’t keep clothing in stock, I had many sleepless nights to the point where I had to turn down customers. I would love to see people in Afritee Designs year round and not only on African Awareness day,” he pointed out.

What are Shawn’s hopes and dreams for the future? “I would love to see it blossom into a self-sustainable business in a few years’ time. I am hoping in three years’ time my business can be self-sustainable. At present, I have to inject capital into the business to keep it afloat but I want to be in a position where I can employ someone to do the sewing for me.”

He also wishes to see more local clothing and accessories available to the public. “I would encourage anyone who is interested in getting into fashion to go for it. It’s about time that we see more Bajans in clothing and accessories designed and made by fellow Barbadians.”

Shawn admits that Netflix is his best friend when it’s time for relaxation. He also loves meeting people. He enjoys hiking and challenging himself to learn new skills. 

“Seeing people happy matters most to me. Helping people reach their fullest potential and then be able to enjoy the fruits of their labour. Seeing the smile of satisfaction on my clients faces matter more than the payment for the shirt,” he said. (IMC)

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