Easter Message from the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bridgetown

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We are living in a very different world today – a COVID-19 focused world – a world of uncertainty, dislocation, social and physical distancing, and staggering daily death statistics.

We are seeing the busyness of our lives losing significance and things we once considered to be priorities, being left undone. COVID-19 has been a great equalizer as nations big and small, experience the same challenges and despair.

We have all been taught a very sobering lesson- we are not different within this one humanity. We are all in the desert together.

This year our Easter will be different as church. The physical churches will remain empty; there will be no congregation holding lighted candles. However, in the midst of all this dislocation and darkness, there remains one truth – our Lord and Saviour is risen! Alleluia! Jesus is the light in our darkness.

God has given us His ultimate gift of mercy by bringing life from death. I am heartened by examples right here in Barbados, of people projecting Easter light in their works of mercy.

The selfless acts of healthcare workers on the front line caring for affected persons and sometimes having to make difficult decisions; unknown heroes who quietly play their part, buying groceries or medication for the vulnerable elderly in their communities; persons who deliver supplies and food to the homeless and needy persons.

As members of the Body of Christ we must help each other, especially the vulnerable.

Easter is an opportunity for us to renew our Baptismal promises and re-commit ourselves to be ministers of His mercy. This is a time for you to deepen your relationship with God: stay close to Him; make an effort to strengthen your family life spending time together, praying and reading scripture daily; and finally, be merciful in your day to day interactions.

Together we have a mission to share the light of the Gospel. Let us bring the light of love and hope into people’s lives at this dark time. We are all in this together.

The Most Rev. Charles Jason Gordon
Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Bridgetown

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