How about we seize the day?

Before the COVID-19 lockdown, our biggest educational storm was the abolition of the 11+ examination. Let’s take this controversy to a big picture level, using the widespread educational chaos we are now experiencing as an opportunity to redesign our system completely.

We know the logistical challenges, experiencing first hand the results of unimplemented vision; choosing the easy over the right; putting self and ambitions before country. The lack of universal access to technology (and the telecommunications systems that adequately support it) within our population is a result of our failure 20 years ago. The vision was there, but it miscarried to our national detriment.

In the classroom, summative testing has continued to perpetuate examination-driven advancements rather than continual assessment that measures learning progress, contributing to more authentic outcomes and greater opportunity.

On a teaching level, many blind eyes in leadership chose to ignore the antiquated methods and deplorable practices within the teaching profession. Rocking the HMS ‘Status Quo’ was simply inconceivable, so ‘good’ men stood around and did nothing, were fired or quit. Entrenchment, entitlement and ‘tradition’ (where safety resides) would not surrender the wheel.

On a governmental level, competent visionaries and implementers within education continue to be criticised, and often retaliated against, when they suggest pragmatic solutions for the benefit of all and by extension, the development of the country. Human beings don’t enjoy change, but the educational disaster we are now living clearly illustrates that day has run and night has caught it. I am not a trained educator, but I am a tried and tested mother with no shame in admitting that I am an educational revolutionary. I am driven by love of country and a profound belief that ‘every child matters’.

So here are my revolutionary thoughts on what we do next. Government schools stop teaching for two months. We ignore the 11-plus exam completely and principals co-operating with experienced facilitators within the Ministry of Education decide on the logistical criteria of how school allocations take place. Every teacher it employs works in teams, gathering the evidence for AUTHENTIC PLACEMENT of students based on achievement (grades) AND ability (potential with opportunity). A great deal of integrity and honest reporting will be required, underpinning the mind-set of mission first, students second, school reputation third, professional ambition fourth and Union opposition last.

For CSEC students, follow Cambridge – get teachers to provide EVIDENCE that supports predicted grades for authentic placement THIS YEAR to CAPE, BCC or SJPI. Students who are high flyers sitting exams early, use the same protocol. Let schools move them on to advanced study. CAPE students, ditto – evidence-based grades. If universities have faith in Cambridge, there is no reason why they would not accept the same authenticated grades by CXC. Put the fake predictions in the bin.

Barbados scholarships could be decided by a panel of Principals of CAPE schools using PROOF of sustained excellence. Replace hopes and dreams of exam-day performance by whole-year evidence to support awarding scholarships. This is the time for honesty and collaboration. There is the dire need RIGHT NOW for mapping the future of education as a whole.

During the same two months, let the Minister bring together VISIONARIES and connected networkers who are country-first beyond all else – without personal agenda or professional ambition; those who are globally focused. Give them the mandate to bring Barbados to the forefront of twenty-first century nations through looking only at the long-term objective for its citizens, relative to its income earning sectors. Leave the implementers out of THIS planning – they will only bring to the table the well-rooted infrastructural problems of WHY NOT. What needs to be rejected completely is the mind-set of ‘it has always been done this way’, ‘it is expected’ or ‘the Unions won’t allow it’; these excuses have all contributed to the holy mess we are currently in.

After the vision is clearly agreed, take the Ministry’s most creative and intelligent implementers in and instruct them to make it happen. Choose only those who need no ‘friends’ and are willing to sacrifice personal ambition for national interest. If any only see in problem-terms, replace them with change makers. Demand they pragmatically SOLVE the challenges with a sequential strategy incorporating ‘who’ is needed at each stage and how success is measured at each level.

Then bring in the financial strategists to budget; to prioritise over time the concrete achievement of the end result. At that point, disseminate from ‘central control’ to the next level down what has to be done. Retire who is not with you; they are surely against you. And as the ‘keepers’ set tasks at the levels below, repeat the ‘retirement’ process. Let the financial brains plan for the cost of ‘cleaning the house’ of low functioning oppositionists, too.

We know how talented Bajans truly are, whether in medicine, music or entrepreneurship. We are historically innovative survivors. But we need A PLAN NOW and leadership that creates opportunity for the enlightened and the courage to stand up to the ‘system’ that protects the redundant. How about we seize the day?

Julia Hanschell can be contacted on

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