Businessman stabbed

Police are reporting that the proprietor of AP Jones and Company Limited is nursing several stabbing injuries following an altercation with another man at his City business this afternoon.

The suspect, according to Police Public Relations Officer Acting Inspector Roland Cobbler, is in custody assisting with investigations.

“We received a report about 12 p.m. where there seemed to be an altercation between the proprietor of AP Jones & Company Limited which is located at High Street and another man.

“What is reported is that this man went to AP Jones and was seen taking some items off the shelves and placing it in a bag, allegedly. He was confronted by a security guard and pulled a knife. He was pursued by the owner of the pharmacy and they got into a struggle at the exit of the said establishment, they both fell to the ground. The owner received a number of injuries about his body suspected to be stab wounds,” the police spokesman disclosed.

The proprietor was taken to the hospital by private vehicle.

Police investigations are continuing.

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