#BTColumn – Christians voting in America

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by this author are their own and do not represent the official position of the Barbados Today.

by Pastor Flloyd N. Hall

How should Christians in America vote in the 2020 elections? Some might even carry the question further and ask, should American Christians vote at all, seeing there seems to be so much contention and confusion surrounding the issue.

Jason Yates, CEO of “My Faith Votes” (a non-partisan organization that motivates, equips and activates Christians to vote in every election) believes they ought to.

In 2016, 25 million Christians chose not to vote, so “My Faith Votes” is endeavouring to turn this around with an aggressive campaign at several churches to get Christians to go to the polls.

“We recognize that as Christians, God gives us passions and pursuits that may lead people one way or the other,” Yates said.  “But what we are calling people to do is to vote not right/left, donkey, elephant, but the Lamb and to think about what Jesus’ principles are.” (Article by Leonardo Blair, The Christian Post July 19, 2020 www.christianpost.com).

But what are these principles of Jesus that should inform the Christian vote? In the late 1800s, Charles Sheldon published his book, “In His Steps: What would Jesus Do?”  It instantly became very popular in the US.

This classic saw a resurgence in popularity in the 1990s. The phrase, “What would Jesus Do” became a personal motto to millions of Christians worldwide, inspiring them to a life of Christian character and action in all situations in life.

Perhaps this question should also be applied to the issue of Christian voting in 2020. What would Jesus do? What principles would He employ in choosing a candidate/party to vote for if He were walking the earth today as an American citizen?

Well, let us examine three of the outstanding issues being debated. First up is the sanctity of human life. All life is precious to God, but human life is paramount. He gave life to each of us to accomplish a particular purpose while here on earth; and He alone decides when that life is over on this side of heaven! Therefore, Jesus expects Christians in America, and in every country, to defend the rights of the unborn child to live.

Dr Tony Evans of “The Urban Alternative” writes, “Some will say the right to life trumps all other issues because it is the foundational right. If you take away someone’s life, you take away everything else that they could seek to have in their life. So in that sense, it is a foundational issue.” (Article by Steve Yount, Denison Forum September 8, 2020 www.denisonforum.org). Christians then must vote for the candidate/party which represents life in the womb and abhors abortion!

Same-sex marriage is another hot button issue. God has emphatically stated that He is for marriage between a man and a woman. After all, it is He who has instituted its concept in the first place (Genesis 2:24).

And we have the assurance that God is loving and caring; therefore His ideals for human life are always helpful and caring. So then, Christians ought to vote for the candidate/party which would more likely stand on the side of biblical marriage.

The third issue that Christians ought to consider in deciding who they should vote for, is freedom of religious speech. Certainly, to speak and express ourselves on behalf of our Lord is the core of who we are as Christians. We have been mandated by Him to “Go ye therefore and teach all nations.” (Matthew 28:19)

Of course, there are several other pressing issues in American politics, but American Christians ought to vote for the candidate/party that promotes the sanctity of life, heterosexual marriage, and the freedom of religious speech.

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