Northern school celebrates rich legacy as it marks 49 years

The Daryll Jordan Secondary School’s pavilion is now carrying the names of two outstanding old scholars, Vasbert Drakes and Ryan Hurley, who distinguished themselves in cricket at the local, regional and international levels.

The symbolic naming ceremony was held today, as the Trent’s, St Lucy school commenced its 49th anniversary celebrations. These were also marked by the launch of the Daryll Jordan Wall of Stars, to recognise students who have gone on to represent Barbados in various sporting disciplines, as a tribute to them and an inspiration to others.

The school also unveiled its first Academic Shield to honour students who have left the institution’s hallowed walls, achieving academic excellence.

Delivering remarks during the celebrations, Chairman of the Board of Management Pierson Springer, also announced the launch of the school’s mentoring programme, where old scholars will be providing valuable assistance to students through mentoring scholarships, work attachments and an introduction to life skills.

“This year of celebration takes on greater significance than would be normally expected. This is an opportunity for us to relaunch as we try to inspire current and future generations. The rich history, the successes and achievements, which for so long have not been duly credited to this school, have to be told because generations to come should be so stimulated by our story, that Daryll Jordan Secondary will be their preferred choice for secondary education.

“Truth be told, our numbers which have declined from over 1100 to 500, concerns us. In fairness, it would be remiss of me not to mention that primary schools in St Lucy are seeing declining numbers too. Therefore, this year, we are going to be embarking on a number of strategic initiatives to put this school at top of mind,” Springer said.

Member of Parliament for St Lucy, Peter Phillips, commended the school for the strides it has made in producing an education for students, particularly those living in that parish, whom it was initially established to serve. Phillips also pledged his support to the mentorship programme.

Minister of Education Santia Bradshaw, while delivering congratulatory remarks, commended the school for celebrating 49 years of existence. She stressed that over the years, the school has catered to the needs of students, not only in the area of academics, but also through sports and extracurricular activities.

“It has been a beacon of inspiration and hope to many. I suspect that as is referred to in the school song the northern star, the author was no doubt calling on those fortunate to pass through its doors, to see themselves as the northern star which is the anchor of the northern skies, and to see themselves as the landmarks which would help those who follow their achievements to be led to a purposeful destination,” Bradshaw said.

The minister said the skills programme at Daryll Jordan which must be commended for its accomplishments, will soon be able to expand its offerings through additional financial assistance.

Old scholar Dr Rodney Worrell, who delivered the featured address, urged students to listen to the instructions and advice from their teachers.

The lecturer in the Department of History and Philosophy at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, also encouraged the students to draw inspiration from outstanding past students.

“You must affirm that you will be the best and give of your best, whether in athletics, netball, football, music or in your school work.

“You have a duty to yourself, to your parents and to your teachers and your community, to be your best. Don’t accept the idea that you are less than the best because with this elitist system, there is always the perception that some are better than others,” Dr Worrell said. (

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