Christmas is all about giving


Employees of ANSA Motors, Bryden Stokes Ltd, Consolidated Finance, and Standard Distributors shopped and wrapped 65 beautiful gifts for children diagnosed with cancer or who had lost a parent to cancer.

The employees of four of the ANSA McAL companies came together and donated funds which were then matched by their companies to purchase gifts, as recommended by The Barbados Cancer Society to match their age and gender from years to 16 years. Almost 40 families had been affected by the distress of cancer.

Rachel Pilgrim, Group Marketing Head for the ANSA McAL Group said, ‘this year more than ever we wanted to do something special as a team, and we all worked together as a family, to make this happen. The ‘feel good factor’ which it gave to us all was truly amazing and made it so worthwhile. A huge thank you to everyone who worked hard to bring this project to fruition’.



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