PwC brings Christmas cheer

Christmas is a wonderful time of year for so many people. It’s also an extremely difficult time of year for those less fortunate.

This is why the partners and staff of Pricewaterhousecoopers (PwC) have come together and donated one per cent of their salaries for the months of October, November and December, to give to those that need it the most. The salary deduction was a voluntary contribution, and the response was really positive.

And while helping those in need at Christmas was our main focus, we started early with a donation to the Eden Lodge Youth Charitable Trust, to aid their back-to-school programme. Children who were otherwise unable to buy their school books, received their bulk book list. Education for all our children is paramount and a key part of our overall corporate responsibility programme.

The remainder of the funds that we collected from salary deductions went to The Salvation Army to help them continue their great work in the community, particularly with vulnerable people and children.

In addition, as a separate initiative, the PwC supported a team of women who have dedicated their time to individually wrapping and giving 400 children each a ‘Santa sack’ of presents. They, together with Bajans for Bajans, identified families who are most in need.

Sacks include at least one book to promote literacy, and toys and games based on age, from babies up to 17 years old. As well as giving a small monetary donation, PwC provided office space to allow for the wrapping and bagging of the presents.

Territory Leader Mike Bynoe said, “Christmas is one of my favourite times of year. It’s a time for our partners and staff to take a well earned rest to enjoy with family and friends. I know this has been a tough year and not everyone will be able to enjoy the Christmas holidays, so it’s important to me and the Firm to continue to give back to our community.

“I want to thank those partners and staff who made a salary deduction, at a time when many have been financially impacted by the pandemic. To corporate Barbados, I’m grateful to those of you who stand with us and do what you can to positively impact our communities, as only by acting together can we make a real difference.

“Finally, to the organisations we’ve donated to, thank you for your hard work and dedication to our communities, not just at Christmas but throughout the year.” (PR)

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