#BTColumn – Protocols have my full support

Chief Medical Officer Dr Kenneth George.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by this author are their own and do not represent the official position of the Barbados Today.

by Alex Currie, North Saanich BC

As one soon to embark for Barbados, having finally secured all the paperwork necessary, I was infuriated to read that a numpty from the UK decided his desire to party precluded the safety of this beloved island.

There is no rule or protocol that anyone arriving in Barbados should contemplate violating because of the health of the country once they leave.

Barbados has 17 per cent of its adult population over 40 dealing with diabetes. It has a high rate of asthma and a childhood rate that is higher than the US at 22 per cent.

One third of adults, 25-70 years of age have hypertension, the leading risk factor in cardiovascular disease.

So whatever I am asked to do when I arrive, rest assured we will do what is asked at a minimum.

Those charged who choose not to abide by the rules should not only be fined heavily, and spend some time in Dodds, they should be held there until such time as they can be placed on an aircraft that returns them to their home country.

These selfish people, in my humble opinion, threaten the very health and safety of all Barbadians and indeed the survival of many.

So to those who are trying desperately to make a system that appears to be keeping folks safe, you have my full support. No quarter.

God bless you.

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