#BTColumn – A modern society called Barbados

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by this author are their own and do not represent the official position of the Barbados Today.

by Walter Edey

Education, society, and modernization are critical engines of civilization. Each enjoys independence, but at the same time fuels, rewards and supports one another.

If any one of them is not reimagined, some form of decay is likely, if not inevitable. It is a triad that hails eternity.

For example, education pushes societal change. And then society demands an even better education system. Modernization alters thinking, opinions, and attitudes.

Then the new perspective seeks newer things. In the process, society renews itself and accelerates development and modernization.

And, education creates and is repaid.

That said, an X factor slumbers within that web of progress. It is the friction that comes from motion.

Change stimulates movement and the said motion unearths sleeping inequalities. In this scenario, modernization does not level the socio-economic
playing field.

If governance does not channel the energy, the idea loses momentum, is lost. Bumps remain and the delay slows forward movement. Truth be told, the progress of progress is a double-edged knife –  a sharp blade in the hands of forward-looking leadership; but a dull blade in closed hands of the status quo resistance.

Post-COVID, in Barbados, the new norm expanded the practice of online learning. The demand for computer tablets; Wi-Fi and Internet access grew. The modernization of teaching and learning became an adventure.

A walk into unknown spaces –- places never considered or yet imagined.

It turned into a storm that uprooted several things:  societal inequalities, education deficiencies, and economic disparities. It did more.

The unexpected happenstance also exposed the harsh reality of a pending renewal challenge. Reforming Barbados’ education system.

The script it wrote was this. Reforming the education system will not be a walk in Queen’s park. Authentic revision is not complete unless it envisions everything.

An ancient Greek proverb explains the nature of transformation. It is a wheel of fortune and opportunity, which leading Greek thinkers spun.

It is a concept that anyone can borrow, adapt and own to their peculiar circumstances. “ Societies become great when an old man plants a tree.

A tree he knows well that he will not live to see grow up to bear fruits, or enjoy its shade.”

This proverb reinforces the power of choice. It promotes unselfishness and responsibility as virtues of growth.

It teaches urgency to reluctance. It contemplates return on investment.

The interest gained by the actions of a man, woman, or child. How we act can move a mountain.

Ultimately, society sources, and at the same time provides needs. Education brings about changes in outlook. But by itself, it cannot assure values or stability. Modernization can be productive but dethroned by pleasure. None of these locomotives are singular magic wands. All are bonds steeled by hope.

Barbados is not perfect, but its history is full of diamonds. If Barbadians want to continue to be safe and secure, a picture of a 4045 Barbados must be first imagined.

That mindscape must restructure the plantation society.That mindscape must write the education reform paper.

That mindscape will determine the nature of modernization. For some, a picture of Barbados in 4045 is difficult to perceive.

But once imagined and accepted its images will become self-evident – and fulfilling.

What can be more beautiful than an army of hopeful Barbadians building a castle of their dreams?  Maybe, a modern beautiful educated society called Barbados?

Walter Edey is a retired math and science educator.

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