CPA event sheds light on new issues facing sector

Emerging expectations faced by the business community around disclosures on climate-related risks and opportunities were addressed during a free webinar hosted by Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada) for its
international members.

The March 11 session, titled Exploring the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Disclosure Landscape and Reporting, outlined that as climate change grows in prominence, investors are looking for greater clarity on how the matter is being managed.

“Our organisation has been concentrating on climate change for years, focusing on issues of governance, accounting, auditing and corporate disclosures,” explained Tashia Batstone, Senior Vice President, External Relations and Business Development, CPA Canada.

“Professional accountants can assist in identifying the most relevant issues and their potential impact on performance and prospects from an ESG perspective.”

The webinar featured Emily G. Dick-Forde, FCPA, FCMA, an Advisory Council member with CPA Canada’s Trinidad and Tobago Chapter who has, among several qualifications, a PhD in Accounting (Corporate Social and Environmental Reporting) from the University of Dundee, Scotland.

During her talk, Dick-Forde defined and detailed ESG disclosure, while also referring to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) and the ins and outs of green financing.

“The session is proof CPAs want to contribute to better reporting,”said Oliver Jordan, Chair of the CPA Canada Barbados Chapter Advisory Council.

“Today’s webinar made clear how the profession can help business leaders recognise and anticipate potential impacts and respond to the increasing demands for enhanced reporting disclosures.”

In total, more than 170 CPAs from 11 countries, participated in the event. (PR)

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