BARP salutes heroes and workers

The Barbados Association of Retired Persons (BARP) has issued a message to mark National Heroes Day and May Day.

Below is the full text of the address: 

Saluting Our Heroes and Workers

This year, both National Heroes Day and May Day provide opportunity for us to reflect on the contribution of our National Heroes and workers to nation-building. Our Heroes were dedicated and steadfast in their resolve to the cause of making Barbados a better and more equitable place for all its people.

On this year’s celebration of National Heroes day, Barbados continues its struggle to contain the COVID-19 virus which has unfortunately claimed 44 lives, the majority being seniors.

We are also trying to overcome the ash fall from the eruption of the La Soufriere volcano in St Vincent. For many, this has been a struggle.

The senior citizens of this country know what it means to deal with challenges because that has been their life story. But Barbados has been the better for it as there has been commitment, respect for family, friends and community; they valued education and honoured their forefathers. They did not despair and Barbados is a better place because of their contributions.

We only need to look to our National Heroes for inspiration on why we must never give up when things are tough.

As we honour the work and achievements of our national heroes and all workers, let us continue focusing on being excellent in all our endeavours. This can be a worthy contribution to nation-building and a way of honouring their legacy.

Today there will be no fun and frolic as we celebrate Heroes day, but time to call a senior person, simply to say hello and wish them well.

You may be able to do something more tangible by removing some of the ash from in front of their home.

These are ways we can honour the work and achievements of our national heroes.

Let us continue focusing on being excellent in all our endeavours, a worthy way to uphold the legacy of our National heroes.

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