#BTSpeakingOut – How much is our nation’s soul worth?

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by this author are their own and do not represent the official position of the Barbados Today Inc.

by Algernon Atherley

It seems to me that Barbados and the Caribbean territories are once again, being bombarded and pressured, almost beyond comprehension, this time by the might of the external powerful corporate community, to do that which is not right nor pleasing to God.

They want us to accept homosexuality, lesbianism and the like as perfectly normal behaviour.

They would like us to abandon our moral values for, according to them, an increase in our economic output of about 5.7 per cent of GDP (article 22 of Barbados TODAY dated July 7, 2021).

The question is “how much is the soul of our nation worth or what shall we give in exchange for most valuable asset, our souls?”

God is still our nation’s guide and we must never succumb to detestable behaviour of any kind.

From the very beginning, God the creator, made the decision to create man in His own image and after His own likeness.

He decided that man should not be alone and needed a help mate.

God created the woman to be the help mate for the man. He designed our bodies to be governed by set laws, rules and regulations that when followed, gives protection to the body and guarantees its proper function. The laws of nature don’t respect the laws of Parliament.

God created our rectum as a biologically and scientifically sound excretion point. Our hip is an exit. No statute law of any parliament can turn it into an entrance.

I want to suggest that God knew what He was doing. The human being is perfectly created. The laws regulating the functioning of the body is perfect.

It was God who decided that a male person should not have sexual intercourse with another male person.

And it was this same creator who decided that women should not engage in same sex unions. God will not change his standard on marriage. Marriage is between male and female, period.

There are no alternatives.

He is unchangeable.

He is the same yesterday, today and forever. In Barbados, our moral standards, values and laws are based on the foundation principles of the Bible.

God allows us to fall prey to our own acts of uncleanness through lust from the deep recesses of our heart, to dishonour our bodies between ourselves.

He allows us to have vile affections and to change what God determined to be natural to that which is unnatural.

He allows us to reject his ordained sanctity of marriage. He allows us to change His truth and turn it into a lie.

There is bad news for the effeminate and abusers of themselves with mankind. They will not inherit the kingdom of God. Marriage between male and female is honourable and the bed is undefiled.

Sexual relations outside the covenant of marriage between male and female should be frowned on and stamped out everywhere because such relationships cannot produce God’s desired reproduction outcome.

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