Moore concerned about workers being asked to sign unfavourable contracts

Barbados Workers’ Union (BWU) General Secretary Toni Moore is concerned about unfavourable contractual arrangements workers are being asked to sign.
Moore said too many people are being hired on contracts for service because employers are trying to avoid statutory and other obligations associated with contracts of service.

Raising the matter while delivering remarks at the opening ceremony of BWU’s 79th Annual Delegates’ Conference at the Garfield Sobers Sports Complex, Wildey, St Michael, Moore said the worrying trend, which is prominent in the private sector, but is creeping into the public sector, has to be fixed.

She said: “It has to be fixed in both the private and public sectors.”

The General Secretary also indicated that while recently the BWU has been tackling the issue of trade union recognition for Transport Board workers, she is issuing the reminder that even temporary workers have the undeniable right to join a union of their choice, and must not be undermined.

“We have seen the issue of trade union recognition play out with a situation earlier this year too, with a construction company where the trade union was challenged by a company’s decision to suspend workers who were attending union business, even worse, attending union business on the invitation of the Minister of Labour [Collin Jordan]”.

Moore further explained that the issue of trade union recognition is also being challenged by a West Coast hotel, which she alleged is denying workers the right to trade union representation.

However, Moore said the Ministry of Labour must exercise the authority it has convincingly, particularly during this season of despair and uncertainty, increased fears of joblessness, and where workers desperately need protection.

Moore said the conference must provide an opportunity for the BWU family to examine where it has been doing well and where it can do better to reach out to those members and non-members, at the point of their needs and interest.

She said conference participants must leave with a clear understanding of how action plans will help the Union to reach its guarded goals and guide the role of the incoming Executive Council and the Union’s Secretariat.

Moore said: “At a time where we have observed for ourselves two other institutions publicly displaying disparagement for their leadership and for each other, the BWU must recommit.

“Amongst other things the leadership of the BWU must recommit to being better and offering better and expanded service and we all must recommit to uphold each other in this struggle”.

Moore, who became the Member of Parliament for St George North on a Barbados Labour Party (BLP) ticket last year, thanked BWU members who understand the importance of the Union’s need to align to the party in Government.

The General Secretary said her move to enter politics was necessary at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic has presented challenges for workers and the labour movement.

During the ceremony, outgoing President General of the BWU, Linda Brooks, who has served the Union for over 40 years, was presented with a token of appreciation for her contribution to the movement. (AH)

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